Saturday, September 23, 2017

My God Is A Happy God

According to the glorious good news of the happy God, which was committed to my trust (I Timothy 1:11).
God has never lost control of His universe. He is in charge – always has been, always will be. Every plan of His is right on schedule, and one day He will reach His glorious consummation and be “All in all” (I Corinthians 15:28). 
Therefore, regardless of what religion thinks or says to the contrary, Father is happy. He is “the happy God,” and He is the only true source of our own joy and happiness. Then, since Father is happy, His children can be happy. After all, those of us who already know God for Who He truly is, and have already been made His righteousness, can be happy.

Even as David also describes the happiness of the man, unto whom God credits righteousness apart from works, saying, “Happy are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Happy is the man to whom the Lord will not charge sin” (Romans 4:6-8).
So, enjoy life! Wake up every morning and bask in the goodness and grace of “the happy God” Who loves you and lives in you. Embrace His happiness throughout the day, regardless of the situation or circumstances in which we may find ourselves.
Whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he (Proverbs 16:20).

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

2 Cor 5:17--21

 I have something new to me I want to put down in draft form and examine.

When Paul said in 2 Cor 5       "So that we henceforth have known no one according to the flesh, and even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him no more" So many thoughts spring from this

(1) I think this applies only to those of this revelation: That word SO at the         start links the sentence to the previous passage: those who have reached a point where the love of Christ CONSTRAINS and where there is a revelation that One Died For All.  "for the love of the Christ doth constrain us, having judged thus: that if one for all died, then the whole died, and for all he died, that those living, no more to themselves may live, but to him who died for them, and was raised again"

(2) See that piece "even if we have known Christ according to the flesh" ..
Is he referring to the Jesus of the Gospels who came only to ....?
The Jesus of the Circumcision gospel??
Are these the old things that pass?
"so that if any one [is] in Christ -- [he is] a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things.

(3) Many I'm sure secretly wonder "Am I really a new creation? Have old things passed away? Have all things become new? .But the context here makes it so clear and so simple to answer for ourselves:.
"And the all things [are] of God, .."    HHas your Testimony changed from what you did for God by asking him into your heart, opening the door,walking up a church aisle: Read it again: ALL THINGS ARE OF GOD: He initiated your salvation, He arranged each bit of it, He performed it and brought it to pass.
So EGO leaves the Testimony

"who reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and did give to us the ministration of the reconciliation" It wasn't because I was a good moral christian who heard God and obeyed the call: (Dead men hear nothing, see nothing and do nothing) God, totally God and He alone opened your eyes not through your goodness or religiosity but through Christ
 how that God was in Christ -- a world reconciling to Himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses; and having put in us the word of the reconciliation,

So your whole outlook changes from what you did to what God did: Old things pass away 100%: You are brought to a deep realisation that the Gospel is not running around telling everybody the bad news of what awful sinners they are and what will happen unless they do something, accept something, repent something etc: The great news is NEW: God was in Christ: What Jesus did is 100% sanctioned by God: What is sanctioned? He was reconciling a world to himself: God never needed to be reconciled to the world:The world needed reconciliation: And the completely new thing for many who still hold to the idea of unconditional love provided /with the following condition: What rubbish!
listen to it: not reckoning to them their trespasses;
If God is not reckoning their trespasses to them {Gentiles} why should we contradict God and reckon all the trespasses against them

Lastly today I wonder if we no longer know Him after the flesh does that apply the other way round: that he no longer knows us after the flesh:  That all our fleshly prayers never reach Him: Money/ relationships/ frictions:/ sins

Not that He is cruel or uncaring but that now all His focus is on bringing you to realisation that your blessings are stored in heavenly places: And as we scream out for deliverance from what we consider terrible things He has deliberately refused to solve those things in the expectation that the pain and discomfort will bring us to a time and place of deliverance: For God's time for a certain thing is not by the clock or by the calendar but by Revelation: Gods clock for those IN Christ is a Revelation clock: More on this later  for I myself don't fully grasp it yet

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Secret Path Of Suffering

                       Suffering: Christ’s Path to Glory

The Scriptures are plain in this respect:
Christ’s path to glory was through suffering.

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory? (Luke 24:26).

But we see Jesus, Who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor (Hebrews 2:9).

Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow (I Peter 1:11).

This is the divine principle: suffering, then glory.

While deliverance may have been in Christ’s heart, He learned obedience to His Father’s wise and loving will; and “for the joy set before Him” endured His trials.

The knowledge of Father’s wise and loving will settled His weary heart and brought peace to His troubled mind. Regardless of His situation He knew that Father knew best. He rested in that.

Monday, September 4, 2017

What is meant by Unity Of The Spirit?

I.   WHAT IS The Unity Of The Spirit?

        1.   Unity itself is well described in psalm 133.
     "How good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity."

Psa. 146:2-4;        Eccl.3:19,20
                    Job 34:14,15;       Eccl.12:1-7
                Death is a return of the person, of the body, and of the spirit.

         2.   Unity is the opposite of discord, or the absence of strife, a place where
                love reigns and truth is valued.

                    2 Ki.20:1    "thou that die and not live"
                    Rev.20:4-6  "the dead live not until"
                    Num.4:19    "that they may live, and not die"

         3.    Death is like a sleep.

                     Psa.13:3    "lest I sleep the sleep of death"
                    1 Th.4:13-18    "them that are asleep"
                    Dan.12:2    "them that sleep in the dust"
                         Both the righteous and the unrighteous are said to be asleep
                         when they are dead.
        4.    Death is an enemy.

                     1 Cor.15:26    "the last enemy abolished is death"


        1.   They are all in one place (Eccl.3:19,20).
                    Psa.22:15;        Job 7:21
                    Gen 3:19   compare  Gen.2:7
        2.   Their place is one of silence and repose.

                    Job 3:11-22      Psa.115:17
                    Psa.88:10-12    Eccl.9:10

        3.   They are not with Christ in heaven.
                    John 3:13;        Acts 2:34
     The statement that David ascended not into the heavens is made after 
the resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    The only way believers get to be with the Lord is by His coming for them. 
See 1 Thes.4:16-17, "so shall we ever be with the Lord." Also John 14:3, 
"I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there ye may
 be also." Death is never said to take one to be with the Lord.


                    John 5:28-29    "all who are in their graves"
                     Dan.12:2          "them that sleep in the dust"
                    Isa.26:19           "ye that dwell in the dust"

In the Word of God the dead are always said to be where their bodies are.


        1.   They sleep and rest.
                    1 Thess.4:13-18    1 Cor.15:51-57
                    Acts 7:60  compare  Acts 8:2
                    John 11:11  compare  John 11:14
                    1 Cor.15:3-20        Dan.12:2
    The Scriptures never speak of the sleep of the soul, nor of the sleep of the body. 
They always speak of the sleep of the person with reference to death. The sleep of
 death obliterates the interval between this life and the next, in so far as consciousness is concerned.
        2.   They praise not the Lord nor exercise mental powers.
                 Psa.6:5         Psa.115:17     Psa.8:10-12
                 Eccl.9:4-6     Psa.146:4     Isa.38:18,19

        3.   They do not live until the resurrection.

                 Rev.20:4-6     1 Cor.15:12-21


        1.   That they will all be resurrected.
                 John 5:28-29     Rev.20:11-15

        2.   That they will all ultimately receive fulness of life through the saving work
              of Jesus Christ.

                 1 Cor.15:22-28     1 Tim.2:3-6
                 Rom 5:18,19         1 Tim.4:9-11

What happens after we die?

What happens when i die?

Here is a Bible Study you may do yourself or with others interested:


        1.   Death is a return (Gen.3:17-19).
"Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."

                    Psa. 146:2-4;        Eccl.3:19,20
                    Job 34:14,15;       Eccl.12:1-7
                Death is a return of the person, of the body, and of the spirit.

         2.   Death is the opposite of life, or the absence of life, not life in some other
               form or place.

                    2 Ki.20:1    "thou that die and not live"
                    Rev.20:4-6  "the dead live not until"
                    Num.4:19    "that they may live, and not die"

         3.    Death is like a sleep.

                     Psa.13:3    "lest I sleep the sleep of death"
                    1 Th.4:13-18    "them that are asleep"
                    Dan.12:2    "them that sleep in the dust"
                         Both the righteous and the unrighteous are said to be asleep
                         when they are dead.
        4.    Death is an enemy.

                     1 Cor.15:26    "the last enemy abolished is death"


        1.   They are all in one place (Eccl.3:19,20).
                    Psa.22:15;        Job 7:21
                    Gen 3:19   compare  Gen.2:7
        2.   Their place is one of silence and repose.

                    Job 3:11-22      Psa.115:17
                    Psa.88:10-12    Eccl.9:10

        3.   They are not with Christ in heaven.
                    John 3:13;        Acts 2:34
     The statement that David ascended not into the heavens is made after 
the resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    The only way believers get to be with the Lord is by His coming for them. 
See 1 Thes.4:16-17, "so shall we ever be with the Lord." Also John 14:3, 
"I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there ye may
 be also." Death is never said to take one to be with the Lord.


                    John 5:28-29    "all who are in their graves"
                     Dan.12:2          "them that sleep in the dust"
                    Isa.26:19           "ye that dwell in the dust"

In the Word of God the dead are always said to be where their bodies are.


        1.   They sleep and rest.
                    1 Thess.4:13-18    1 Cor.15:51-57
                    Acts 7:60  compare  Acts 8:2
                    John 11:11  compare  John 11:14
                    1 Cor.15:3-20        Dan.12:2
    The Scriptures never speak of the sleep of the soul, nor of the sleep of the body. 
They always speak of the sleep of the person with reference to death. The sleep of
 death obliterates the interval between this life and the next, in so far as consciousness is concerned.
        2.   They praise not the Lord nor exercise mental powers.
                 Psa.6:5         Psa.115:17     Psa.8:10-12
                 Eccl.9:4-6     Psa.146:4     Isa.38:18,19

        3.   They do not live until the resurrection.

                 Rev.20:4-6     1 Cor.15:12-21


        1.   That they will all be resurrected.
                 John 5:28-29     Rev.20:11-15

        2.   That they will all ultimately receive fulness of life through the saving work
              of Jesus Christ.

                 1 Cor.15:22-28     1 Tim.2:3-6
                 Rom 5:18,19         1 Tim.4:9-11