Thursday, July 27, 2017

Master Plan

God is working to a Master Plan for the universe.

If you fail to grasp the Master Plan then everything else will be skewed:

This Master Plan can only be grasped by revelation:

That Revelation is by the Spirit: 

That revelation is primarily to be found in scripture:

It's a wisdom that none of the greats in this Eon understand.

It's on every page of the bible but hidden to many:

God delights to hide it from the many at this time.

He is today revealing it to a small number of "babes", "children" 

The Master Plan is so huge you have to Focus out to get it:

You need an aerial view from a great height:

You probably won't get it from religion, denominations, traditions.

What exactly is this Master Plan?

The Master Plan involves His 

(A) God's Overall Purposes

(B) God's  Time Plan. 

(C) God's Methodology. (Ways)

Lets examine each of these in more detail

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