Thursday, July 6, 2017

Radical Surgery

Children love the "Little Red Riding Hood" story. They thrill at the very real and imminent danger:Yet they can cuddle up with the warm assurance that they know something nobody else knows.: Everything is going to turn out O.K. This will all end well!

This assurance is entrenched by the many times they've heard the story before. They have rehearsed over and over exactly what the final outcome will be. To them this is an exciting and safe no-brainer!

If you try and deviate from the set formula you're in big trouble! Believe me! I've been there! A five year old can be very insistent. Kids of all ages, want a predictable, consistent pattern of events.This story provides just that:

The characters never change in "Little Red Riding Hood": The kindly and loving old lady is always kind and loving: The little darling going to visit her granny remains totally innocent and pure: The dark dangerous woods are never less than foreboding, The strong powerful woodcutter is our white Knight and of course the ugly evil bad wolf is forever ferocious.Don't rock the boat ! Just give me the comfort of a familiar lullaby and a I'll get good nights sleep!
This story has everything! And because of that even the crazy undertones are sanitised and appear normal.!


Christians have their own "Little Red Riding Hood" approach to scripture and don't like it when anyone as much as looks at or questions doctrines held as sacred cows for centuries. When one points out to them that some of these  doctrines not only contradict scripture but blaspheme the name, and nature of God ... then you have deviated from the script! You are not mainstream! 

Despite what Acts17:11 proclaims about searching the scriptures to verify matters, no scripture check is deemed necessary. Instead they search their favourite parcels of clay from the past, humans in all their frailty, and feel comfort in following historical idols rather than "testing all things" by the plumbline of scripture: "Feel the length never mind the quality sort of thing!" (1 Thess 5:21: Acts 17:11: 2 Tim 2:15)

The result of centuries of this "leave your brain at the door" policy is sadly evident today.  There are elephants in the room evident to all except believers. A few jokes, a little speech and all is comfy!

Many today vehemently contend for beliefs that are very unscriptural!  When they are presented with biblical  evidence that challenges those beliefs ... , they are dumbfounded. Sometimes the evidence presented does not even register with them. They feel that if they looked into it their world of cozy christianity might fall to pieces!. So they follow the failed pattern of history and ignore the growing number of elephants in the room. This is a recipe for a race to the bottom and somebody has to shout halt.

"Vincent why can you not just relax and leave well enough alone? Why not just concentrate on what all agree on?"

"Because the Ecclesia is not a G.A.A club or foróige! The Ecclesia is a mighty spiritual force of God and is totally alien to the present set up: Light and darkness are mutually exclusive: "Love not the world" is not a suggestion! It's a statement of Lifestyle!

                    We are feasting on The living Bread

 Without correct emphasis on teaching that distinction between the ecclesia and the world is non existent. Believers are left bored and hungry and lifeless: They cannot feed on sermon sound bites and positive thinking.They lose all the freshness and vibrant joy of early days and call their new state maturity. Famine is everywhere but "Famine 2017" is labelled a feast so that's O.K? The Ferocious Times are with us! (2 Tim 3)

Prayer for your overseers! Pray for teachers! Pray for leaders!

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