Thursday, July 13, 2017

The kingdom is within you

Even a child knows what a kingdom is: It's not democracy: It's not a republic or a nice form of dictatorship: No silly! It's where a King is complete boss and everybody who loves Him and delights in him will obey. A Kingdom is where a King reigns 100%!. 

Jesus said "The kingdom of God is within you" and so it is in 2017 if your heart has been grabbed by Christ: The scripture tells us that "He who has the son has life" Indeed! And that quality of life is one that delights to acknowledge the the reign of Christ and bow before the king of all heaven and earth. 

Since the world and the flesh and the accuser is luring us to come in under their power of slavery we flee instead into the arms of our maker:: Like slaves of old who were about to be set free were given the option of rejecting that false form of freedom: They went to the doorpost of the house and had an awl pierce their ear lobe to indicate they wished to remain as voluntary slaves of a kind master: Today, we, like Paul, are proud to be marked as "slaves of God"

King Jesus reigns at this very moment in "called out ones" (Ecclesia) up and down the land: They are His! They march to a different drumbeat: They are ready to punish every crazy disobedience or even a hint of a thought contrary to Him. They hold no opinions of their own: Slave ambassadors of a coming King: The surety of what's about to happen becomes a living expectation within them: Like Stephen at his death they see heaven opened every day: They live under a different reality: They are not "of this world"

That kingdom is today active within Jew and Gentile who are chosen members of the Ecclesia.: It is deliberately hidden within hearts by God at the moment but not hidden from the forces of darkness. Today the only Kingdom in town is Christ in me "It no longer is I who live but Christ lives in me" King Jesus is in total control inside the elect and every thought and plan and idea is brought into obedience to Christ.

But soon that kingdom will work itself out in two different ways: For the Jew it will be an earthly manifestation of the kingdom as a 1000 year reign of Jesus on earth: The former resurrection will see people like the Apostles and David resurrected to rule as promised (under Christ) from Jerusalem. Jews will be in control and born again to a level of life suitable for that Eon. The Gospel of that earthly kingdom will be preached throughout the whole earth, The Law of God will be written on hearts and temple worship restored. Capital punishment for transsgressors will be introduced with corpses thrown into a burning rubbish dump outside Jerusalem called "Gehenna"


The Ecclesia will not be part of the 1000 Year  Kingdom

For the Ecclesia it will mean a swift "twinkling of an eye" snatching away into the celestials: Mortality and death will vanish into immortality: No more dearth! No more corruption: Lost in the body of Christ under the kingship of God the Father: Later will come the "New Heaven and new earth" age. Jesus will gradually subdue all under His feet and finally (may be 100,000 years away) when He becomes "All In All" He will hand all authority over to the father and the joint body will become one body under the Kingship of the father:

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