Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Church is not The Ecclesia

The term "Church" or "Christian Church" is a broad umbrella term covering a wide family of beliefs and boasting up to 1.5 Billion people. It is true to it's origin and roots. It comes from a greek word and is very general: The Greek word "Kuriakosmeans pertaining to a lord. It references those who have an affection or pertaining to things of God, or of Christ or of the Bible. It carries none of the radical rawness of the word Ecclesia. What a shame then that translators confused the issue by mistranslating the word Ecclesia as Kirke: Wrong Big Time!

The Ecclesia (The called out 
ones) are scattered throughout the world, many totally hidden and co-existing within every
segment of "christianity" and a great many more alive and thriving outside anything even associated with "Church".
They simply call themselves "believers".Their lives are "hid with Christ in God" (Col 3:3) They are not trying to hide in any way but their true identity is hidden to most as they do not fit easily into accepted religious moulds or fit the Oxford definitions of what a believer looks like  today.

The Ecclesia, as God sees it, has no visible external structures: No buildings nor steeples: No pews nor choirs!They meet in village green, in the back of cars or on trains and buses and rented halls.There is no visible emblem of identity or of union!No man ordained hierarchy nor clergy and no statement of Faith to hang on a wall:The "Unity Of The Spirit" binds them together in inseparable spiritual fellowship and they move on to maturity never losing the freshness and excitement of early days. They are "called out"!

From a human point of view there seems to be over 35,000 divisions within christian churches and denominations today. From God's perspective however there are only two. God only acknowledges one dividing line  "He who has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life" (1 John 5:12 & Romans 8:9) So simple that most people miss it! But it's dynamite!
Remember being a member of the Ecclesia is not dependent on doctrines, theology, or statements of faith It's not a doctrine thing at all. Its a transaction of the Spirit that takes place deep within the heart of one chosen.

This transaction brings with it an awareness of 1 Cor 15: 1-3 and a gradual moving away from injustice and iniquity.(2 Tim 2:19) So I consider all who call upon the Lord out of a clean heart (2 Tim 2:22) true believers and I am ready to fellowship with each one, person to person  on that basis. It's a Unity of the Spirit (as when Mary met Elizabeth) -- not man made at all! 
The prime duty teachers of scripture is to make the text of Scripture accessible and intelligible. Their own opinion and their own views are worth zero! They are gifted to dig deep to ascertain facts from God's Word and dispense them lovingly. They should leave the task of drawing inferences to the hearers for themselves. That is what I am doing here today: 

Maybe 90% in all the churches and in all the denominations are "called out ones".Maybe it's as low as 10%! My job is not one of judging but of making accessible God's word and His guidelines so each one can judge himself. 

Since salvation depends on a secret transaction within the hearts of each one ..who am I to say?
Let each one ask themselves the question: Have I been gifted with God-faith according to Phil 1:29: Is there an awareness and a knowing of God permeating my being? Am I moving away week by week from iniquity and injustice? Do I long to see ALL and not just 99% saved and justified?

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