Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Eyes Wide Shut!...


What exactly is wrong with preaching in 2017?

Is it the lack of emphasis on end times?

The frivolity and jocose approach ?

The lack of sense of awe at the presence of God in His word?

The tickling of the ears?

No emphasis on the need of revival?

None of that at all I'm afraid. Indeed my job task is a thankless one as each week
I put pen to paper and lose some more treasured old acquaintances.

When you read what the real problem with preaching is you will scarcely believe your ears.

Hopefully, you will carefully consider my findings and search diligently tose if those things are so

The Real Problem

The real problem with preaching is that it is an imposter! It is usurping the place of another and is totally ineffective because it was never designed for the present usage.

Let me state it bluntly: Preaching was never intended for believers. Preaching is for the unsaved:
Preaching is for the unsaved. An evangelist or one standing in the shoes of an evangelist
did the preaching in the New Testament.

The real problem with preaching is that it is an imposter! It is usurping the place of another and is totally ineffective because it was never designed for the present usage.

Let me state it bluntly: Preaching was never intended for believers. Preaching is for the unsaved: preaching is for the unsaved. An evangelist or one standing in the shoes of an evangelist did the preaching in the New Testament.

In Acts 2:42, when the believers gathered together as a church with the apostles in Jerusalem, they devoted themselves to the apostles "teaching," but there is not a single mention made in the entire Bible of someone "preaching" the gospel to a group of believers! (The only three references to preaching in a church refer to a heretic trying to change the faith of true believers.) Preaching is directed primarily at people who are not believers, whereas teaching is used in all contexts, both in the church and otherwise.
Whenever preaching was done to Jews, it was, in every case, an introductory message to Jews who had not heard of Jesus. Even so, it is interesting to note that the word for preaching generally isn't even used to describe what Christ and the apostles did in the Jewish synagogues; the phrase, "teaching in synagogues and preaching," occurs often, as though they would "teach" in the synagogues and "preach" elsewhere around town. It is also interesting to note that all of the instances I listed under preaching done to a "Class" of people, are unevangelized people. In other words, preaching was not generally done to people who were Christians, but to people who were not Christians.

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