Tuesday, August 29, 2017

preach charts

The chart below lists every occurrence of the two words in the New Testament most commonly translated "preach." This includes 90% of the instances of any form of the word "preach" in the English Bible. (For the other 10%, see footnotes 1 & 2). I included all the verbal, noun, and participial forms of khrussw in the first part of the chart, noting who did the preaching, what was preached, and who was preached to. The second part of the chart lists all the verbal forms of the other word, euaggelizw, noting the same things. In the euaggelizw chart, I tried to pull elements of the message from the nearby context into the "what was preached" column, but when there was nothing in the context, I put the three dashes to indicate that the "gospel" or "good news" is what was preached, since euaggelizw literally means "good news-ing." I also made a third chart which lists every occurance where the words "teach" and "preach" were together in the same verse and every occurance where both main Greek words for "preach" were used in the same verse.
khrussw "preach/ proclaim"Who is preachingThe message preachedWho is preached to (or location, if unstated)
Matthew 3:1John the Baptist"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (R)in the wilderness of Judaea (D)
Matthew 4:17Jesus"Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (R)Galilee (R)
Matthew 4:23Jesusgospel of the kingdom (K)in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching (R)
Matthew 9:35Jesusgospel of the kingdom (K)all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching (R)
Matthew 10:712 Disciples"The kingdom of heaven is at hand" (R)Lost sheep of Israel (J)
Matthew 10:2712 DisciplesJesus' teachings (W)upon the housetops (W)
Matthew 11:1JesusUnstatedIn their [the 12 disciples'?] cities (R)
Matthew 12:41JonahUnstatedThe men of Nineveh (u)
Matthew 24:14Unstatedgospel of the kingdom (K)in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations (W)
Matthew 26:13UnstatedGospel (G)in the whole world (W)
Mark 1:4John the baptizerthe baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (R)the wilderness (D)
Mark 1:7John The Baptiser[Jesus] cometh after me (M)In the desert (D)
Mark 1:14Jesusgospel of God (G)Galilee (R)
Mark 1:38JesusUnstatedSynagogues in the next towns (J)
Mark 1:39JesusUnstatedsynagogues throughout all Galilee (J)
Mark 1:45Man healed of leprosyWord [of Jesus] (W)throughout many towns (R)
Mark 3:1412 DisciplesUnstatedUnstated (G)
Mark 5:20Gadarene demoniacwhat Jesus did to him (T)Decapolis/"10 Cities" (R)
Mark 6:12The 12 disciplesmen should repent (R)Multiple towns (R)
Mark 7:36Witnesses to the healing of the deaf manJesus' power to heal the deaf & dumb (T)Unstated (G)
Mark 13:10Unstatedthe gospel (G)unto all the nations. (W)
Mark 14:9Unstatedthe gospel (G)throughout the whole world (W)
Mk. 16:15The Eleven DisciplesThe gospel (G)All the world/every creature (W)
Mark 16:20The Eleven Disciplesthe word (W)Everywhere (W)
Luke 3:3John the baptiserthe baptism of repentance unto remission of sins (R)all the region round about the Jordan (R)
Luke 4:18-19 *Isaiah/Jesusrelease, recovering of sight, and the acceptable year of the Lord. * (M)Captives, blind (C)
Luke 4:44JesusThe kingdom of God (K)in the synagogues of Galilee (J)
Luke 8:1Jesus and "the twelve"the kingdom of God * (K)cities and villages (R)
Luke 8:39The Gaderene DemoniacHow great the things Jesus did to him. (T)Throughout the whole city (U)
Luke 9:212 Disciplesthe kingdom of God (K)Village to village (R)
Luke 11:32JonahUnstated [call to repentance] (R)The men of Nineveh (U)
Luke 12:3UnstatedThings secretly said (R)Upon the housetops (G)
Luke 24:47UnstatedRepentance & forgiveness of sins (R)unto all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. (W)
Acts 9:20PaulChrist (JC)Synagogues of Damascus (J)
Acts 10:37UnstatedThe wordall Judaea, beginning from Galilee (R)
Acts 10:42Peter and the apostles"it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead" (R)the people (G)
Acts 13:24Johnthe baptism of repentance (R)all the people of Israel. (J)
Acts 15:21UnstatedMoses (W)synagogues in every city (J)
Acts 19:13PaulJesus (JC)Unstated (G)
Acts 20:25Paulthe kingdom (K)Either Paul was preaching to the Elders of the Church at Ephesus or, more likely, the elders accompanied Paul in preaching to others. (G)
Acts 28:31 *Paulthe kingdom of God (K)All who visited his house in Rome (H)
Romans 2:21 *A moralizera man should not steal (R)Unstated (the basic idea is "practice what you preach") (G)
Romans 10:8Paul & companyWord of faith (W)Unstated (G)
Romans 10:14UnstatedThe Gospel (G)Unbelievers (C)
Romans 10:15PreachersUnstatedThose who haven't heard the gospel (C)
Romans 16:25 *Paul?Jesus Christ, according to the revelation (JC)you ["all those who are in Rome"] (U)*
1 Corinthians 1:21PaulChrist (from context) (JC)Corinthian Unbelievers who believe as a result (P)
1 Corinthians 1:23Paul and companyChrist crucified (JC)Jews & Greeks (W)
1 Corinthians 2:4PaulChrist (JC)Corinthian Unbelievers who believe as a result (P)
1 Corinthians 9:27PaulThe Gospel (from context) (G)Others (G)
1 Corinthians 15:11&12Paul and the ApostlesThe Gospel (G)Unbelieving Corinthians who believed as a result (P)
1 Corinthians 15:14Paul and companyChrist and His resurrection (from context) (JC)Unstated
2 Corinthians 1:19Paul, Silvanus and TimothyJesus Christ (JC)The Corinthians in the past (presumably before they became believers) (P)
2 Corinthians 4:5Paul and TimothyChrist Jesus the Lord (JC)Unstated (G)
2 Corinthians 11:4Someoneanother Jesus (X)Corinthian church and saints throughout Achaia (X)
Galatians 2:2PaulThe gospel (G)In/among the nations (W)
Galatians 5:11PaulCircumcision (X)(Paul is being sarcastic in this hypothetical rhetorical argument) (G)
Phillippians 1:15SomeChrist (JC)Unstated (G)
Colossians 1:23PaulThe Gospel (G)in all creation under heaven (W)
1 Thessalonians 2:9Paul, Silvanus & Timothythe gospel of God. (G)The Thessalonians in the past (P) (presumably before they believed)
1 Timothy 2:7 *The apostle PaulUnstatedThe Gentiles (C)*
1 Timothy 3:16UnstatedJesus Christ (JC)among the nations (W)
2 Timothy 1:11PaulThe gospel of Jesus Christ (JC)Unstated (G)
2 Timothy 4:2Timothythe word (W)Unstated (G)
2 Timothy 4:17PaulUnstatedAll the nations (W)
Titus 1:3UnstatedThe word (W)Unstated (G)
1 Peter 3:19ChristUnstatedThe disobedient people in Noah's time before the flood (C)
2 Peter 2:5NoahRighteousness (R)the world of the ungodly (W)
Revelation 5:2An angel"who is worthy to open the scroll...?" (JC)All in heaven (C)
euaggelizw "preach/proclaim the gospel"Who is preaching or will preachThe "good news" conferredWho is preached to (or location, if unstated)
Matthew 11:5JesusThe Messiah is here (M)the poor (C)
Luke 1:19The angel Gabrielbirth of John the baptiser (M)Zecheriah (I)
Luke 2:10The angelBirth of Jesus (M)The shepherds--to all people (I)
Luke 3:18John the baptiserComing of Messiah (context) (M)the people (unrepentant Jews, publicans, Roman soldiers, etc.) (G)
Luke 4:18Isaiah/JesusThe Messiah is here (M)The poor (C)
Luke 4:43Jesusof the kingdom of God (K)other cities also (R)
Luke 4:43Jesusthe kingdom of God (K)other cities (R)
Luke 7:22JesusThe Messiah is here (M)the poor (C)
Luke 8:1Jesus and "the twelve"the kingdom of God * (K)cities and villages (R)
Luke 9:612 Disciplesthe kingdom of God (K)Village to village (R)
Luke 16:16Those after John the bapt.the kingdom of God (K)Unstated (G)
Luke 20:1 *Jesus--- (G)The temple (J)*
Acts 5:42 *Peter & the apostlesJesus as the Christ (JC)in the temple and at home (H)*
Acts 8:4Christians of the diasporathe word (W)Abroad (W)
Acts 8:12Philipthe kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ (K)All the people in Samaria (R)
Acts 8:25Peter & John--- (G)many villages of the Samaritans (R)
Acts 8:35PhilipJesus (JC)The Ethiopian eunuch (I)
Acts 8:40Philip--- (G)All the cities from Azotus to Caesarea. (R)
Acts 10:36The wordpeace by Jesus Christ (B)Israel (J)
Acts 11:20Some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrenethe Lord Jesus. (JC)Greeks in Antioch (C)
Acts 13:32Paul & co.The promise of Jesus (M) (context)The synagogue at Psidian Antioch (J)
Acts 14:7Paul and Barnabus--- (G)Cities of Lyconea, Lystra, and Derbe, and the surrounding country (R)
Acts 14:15Paul & Barnabusturn from these vanities unto the living God (R)Crowd in Lystra (U)
Acts 14:21Paul & Barnabus--- (G)The city of Derbe (U)
Acts 15:35 *But Paul and Barnabasthe word of the Lord (W)Antioch (U)*
Acts 16:10Apostle Paul & co.--- (G)Macedonians (R)
Acts 17:18PaulJesus and the resurrection (JC)Jews in the synagogue and Greeks in the market of Athens (context) (U)
Romans 1:15-16PaulThe power of Christ for salvation to all who believe (B)to you (Gentiles) that are at Rome (U)
Romans 10:15Preachersgood things (G)Those who have not heard (from context) (C)
Romans 15:20PaulOf Christ (JC)not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation (W)
Romans 16:25 *Paul--- (G)you ["all those who are in Rome"] (U)*
1 Corinthians 1:17PaulThe cross of Christ (context) (JC)Unstated. Context makes a contrast between baptism and preaching and suggests hearers respond with scorn or with faith. (G)
1 Corinthians 9:14The ones who preach--- (G)Unstated. Context is that preachers have a right to be supported financially. (G)
1 Corinthians 9:16Paul--- (G)Unstated (G)
1 Corinthians 9:18PaulOf Christ (JC)An audience to "win" composed of many different types of people. (G)
1 Corinthians 15:1-2Paul(Context) Christ died for our sins according to t. scriptures ...was buried... raised...seen (JC)The Corinthians in the past who are being saved as a result. (P)
2 Corinthians 10:16Paul and Company--- (G)in the regions beyond you (W)
2 Corinthians 11:7PaulThe good news of God (G)The Corinthians in the past. (P)
Galatians 1:8Paul & co.The grace of Christ (B)The churches of Galatia in the past. (P)
Galatians 1:9AnyoneAnother gospel--not what we preached (X)The churches of Galatia in the present. (X)
Galatians 1:11PaulGood news (G)Unstated (G)
Galatians 1:16PaulChrist (JC)Among the nations (W)
Galatians 1:23PaulThe faith which he was formerly persecuting (T)Unstated (G)
Galatians 4:13Paul--- (G)The churches of Galatia "before" (P)
Ephesians 2:17JesusPeace (B)to you that were far off, and to them that were nigh (Gentiles & Jews) (W)
Ephesians 3:8PaulUnsearchable riches of Christ (B)the Gentiles (W)
I Thessalonians 3:6TimothyThe love and faith of the Thessalonian churchPaul and Silvanus (I)
Hebrews 4:2&6Unstated--- (G)Jews in the present ("us") and Jews in the past ("they") who then believe or disbelieve it. (J)
1 Peter 1:12UnstatedProphecies of Christ (M)The elect scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, and Bithynia in the past. (P)
1 Peter 1:25Unstatedthe word of the Lord (W)The elect scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, and Bithynia in the past. (P)
1 Peter 4:6Unstated--- (G)"the dead" or "those who are now dead" perhaps referring to the people of Noah's day. (C)
Revelation 10:7God/angel--- (G)His servants, the prophets (I)
Revelation 14:6angelthe everlasting gospel (G)them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people (W)
* Asterixes indicate that the word in focus is in close proximity to another word which might change the context.

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