Thursday, August 24, 2017

Free Will : An illusion That Massages The Ego

Reader, if you believe in the free will of man, please take a closer look at the ninth chapter of Romans, any version you choose or simply click Scripture4All below. Come back, then and tell me if you still believe in man's free will. I have a few scriptures to share.

 Now from Romans 9 verse 6 it gets very heavy for anyone who thinks man is in control: Look at Romans 9 v16  "So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy". To put it bluntly: Man did not initiate Salvation: He does nothing to advance it: He is unable to perfect it:It is not out of man's efforts at all. Echoes of John 1:13. "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" Interesting verses!

 All New Testament scripture  >>  Scripture4All
If you still think that we choose God rather than God choosing us, then read Romans 11:32. Look over to the first word of sentence in Greek: {Press Scripture4All above} " He locks them together in unbelief. "  No escape from that lock  no matter how the preacher shouts at them. If that doesn't convince you, try putting down the kettle, taking a little tea, a few potato cakes and a little dilisk: After that read John dessert.{ No man can come to me, except the Father which ...} If you still  believe in free will even after that there's only one option? Take a few hours on the Newport to Achill Greenway. That should do the trick: Wonderful what fresh air can do to get the old 2 + 2 = 4 cells working.

Now read Ephesians 1:4. "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world"  So something of your destiny was decided before the foundation of this world: Exciting but radical. However even more radical is the fact that something of everyone else's destiny  was also decided ages ago. More on that later.

Hard to get away from the Bible so read ...

  • Proverbs 16:9, 19:21 and 1 Kings 22:22. 
If, for whatever reason—medical or otherwise—you still believe in free will, take 

  • Daniel 4:35, Jeremiah 10:23, Proverbs 21:1, Proverbs 20:24 and Isaiah 10:15 ...
..  and check the blood pressure as this amount of truth can be very damaging to age old traditions. I mean consider Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart [is] in the hand of the LORD, [as] the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will." Surely that says it all.
  All O.T Scriptures   >>>  Scripture4All 

The $64 Question now is “Who chose whom?”

Did God choose you? 

Did Jesus choose you? 

Did you choose yourself?

Listen: Can you handle the truth? If you chose yourself then that does not line up with what scripture says: Now I know what the pat answer to all this is, Christians liken salvation to God giving you a gift. Evert time this matter arises I hear it about accepting the gift:

 "But it’s just like any other gift," they say. "You have to accept it." This is the favourite Christian analogy for describing salvation. I’ve heard it a million times. It panders to man’s Ego to feel he has a veto on God’s activity:"When someone gives you a gift," Christians say, "you can either accept or reject it." True in the natural: not true in the spiritual!

That may very well be a suitable analogy for Christmas and birthdays gifts,but as a picture of salvation through Christ, it is rubbish. God's analogy or picture is Paul. Paul's conversion is our pattern for receiving this wonderful gift and he did not receive the gift of Salvation like that at all. He was never given a choice to accept or  reject it.

In the ninth chapter of Acts, An extremely stubborn and full of Free Will fanatic named Saul of Tarsus is on his way to Damascus to arrest and kill Christians. Full of his own plans, full of bitterness and full of  hatred..

Before he could even say, "Lord Jesus come into my life and save me"" Saul was flat on the ground blinded by Christ’s glory. Saul (Paul) wrote later: "The grace of our Lord overwhelms" (1 Timothy 1:14). "Overwhelms" reminds me of Niagara Falls. A person walking out from under the falls would not need to make a decision whether or not to get wet:   
Two types of people are being prepared for major events today.: 

One group are being prepared to leave the scene of this evil eon and be snatched into glory: They have a specific job to do for 1000 years in Glory while other Jewish events take place on earth: They will be manifesting the magnitude of God's grace in what He has done for wretches like them in seating them in heavenly places far above all. None of it was by Free Will!
It was all in accordance with the intentions of God who works out all things in accordance with His plans and purposes.

That group really have nothing at all to boast of: They have been graciously gifted with God-Faith. {Phil 1:29} They are not one whit better than anyone else but God chose them because they were so weak and miserable and sinful  He knew they would later serve as a great example of contrast in showing what Grace can do. Today many of these saints still don't understand what happened.: They take pride in thinking they did the good deed of asking Jesus into their hearts whereas other wicked people did not do that: Worse still they often go around trying to persuade others, not chosen in that way, to get themselves chosen right away! (Forgive the nonsense)

The other type will not be in that 
first snatching away: Their major event will happen seconds after they die (Tho' it be 1200 years) They will appear before the Great White Throne. The books will be opened and they will be judged according to 
their deeds, {not according to faith in Christ. Too late for that now  as all will now see Him and believe 100%}

This is not judgement in the sense of condemnation. Sin is paid in full at Calvary. This KRISIS in Greek means an evaluation of where we stand. A time to sum up what has been done and what still has to be done so that the fires of God's love may penetrate and transform those still in need of transformation.
 God's Love will not falter until all are reconciled, all justified and all vivified or filled to the utmost with the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 15:22 .. worth looking at in the Greek!)

I can see we must return again to this and related issues:

What about Pharaoh? How is that fair unless ...?

Did Judas have a choice? Jesus did say the scripture had to be fulfilled/

Why was one child chosen over another in the womb? 

Why is man never spoken of as responsible in the bible ..
but in many places as accountable? What/s the difference? 

What does Matt 11:25 mean? Or Matt 13:11?

Looking forward to your company in a few weeks for  Part 2

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